A downloadable game for Windows

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You're a mere peasant who has made your way to compete in the Hyperlight Showdown Arena. Your goal is to fight to the death to prove your power to the robotic takeover. You'll be swinging, sliding, climbing and wall running around an arena to kill all the enemies as fast as possible!

Team Name: Tigershark Studios

Context behind project: We are a small team of 3 who took part in the NEW ANGLIA GAMES JAM, running from THE 17TH - 21ST JUNE 2024.  We had to meet the theme of 'Cause and Effect' , our interpretation on this was having it so that when a round finishes you go to the shopkeepers and you get choices between upgrades for your character and weapon. These upgrades will boost one thing while lowering another. The cause is the player picking that specific upgrade and the effect for example is them losing health but gaining speed.

Devs Personal Itch Pages: 

https://george-sv5.itch.io/ : Level Design lead, Model designer,  Movement Mechanics designer, UI Design lead.

https://seppydev.itch.io/ : Created Seekerbot enemies (Pixel art & Behaviours), Created front door to the arena, Implemented arena music, Created game over sequence, Made explosion effects with Niagara.

https://finnfx.itch.io : Game mechanic lead, trailer creator, stim designer, in-game UI lead, some sound effects, made upgrade bots.

All credits are Listed Below:

8bit powerup by JavierZumer -- https://freesound.org/s/257225/ -- License: Attribution 4.0

Pre-Match Countdown.wav by TheRandomSoundByte2637 -- https://freesound.org/s/651010/ -- License: Attribution 4.0

Countdown by sonically_sound -- https://freesound.org/s/612873/ -- License: Attribution 4.0

Button Click 3.wav by Mellau -- https://freesound.org/s/506052/ -- License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0

Button Click 2.wav by Mellau -- https://freesound.org/s/506053/ -- License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0

Robot Self-Destruct Sequence Initiated by qubodup -- https://freesound.org/s/219593/ -- License: Attribution 4.0

Little_Droid.wav by LeadBackToSines -- https://freesound.org/s/649807/ -- License: Attribution 4.0

select.wav by Krokulator -- https://freesound.org/s/653382/ -- License: Creative Commons 0

We can not add it to itch's downloads until the New Anglia Jam results are out

Patch 1 changelog (post game jam submission)

current changes

* enemy spawn time decreased and decreases sooner (every 3, 5 and 10 rounds)

*  a notification comes up on the TV when the enemies level up along with a sound effect

* seeker bot enemies odds change every 3. 5 and 10 rounds

* enemies deal more damage as rounds increase (same rounds)

* maybe fixed music bug where music doesnt play (havent been able to recreate it since)

  changed george's jank code for the music to a switch on integer (it's way better than 4 branches mate)

* increased stim spawn timer

* Stim spawn timer can be lowered at the same shop as sword level, but it's a tradeoff because then you cant upgrade your sword level

* lowered base health

* sword upgrade is less op

* changed dev bind that increases kills to debug so it doesnt function in the packaged game (oops)

* Game icon updated 

* **mass culling of unused files**

* fixed blurry icons

* added stim cap

* increased time it takes for stim to spawn

Updated 4 days ago
Published 6 days ago
Tagsarena, First-Person, round-based, Singleplayer


Version 1 6 days ago

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